
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Chapter One Preview: Part Three

And here is the last part of the first chapter I'll be posting. To read the full chapter, you access it here: The Dark Wolf


Through a spell he kept on Darvir's mind, Ruval created a painful sensation throughout his body. It was not strong enough to incapacitate him, but it would certainly remind Darvir of his power and the additional punishment Ruval could give him if he chose to rebel.

For a few seconds, Darvir held his ground before breaking eye contact and turning away. “One day you will no longer be able to hold me with that, and when that day comes, you will have no choice but to face me.” Darvir stalked away, slamming the door behind him.

Ruval swore and tightened his fist on the goblet, crushing it in his grasp before tossing it into the fire. He had withdrawn his presence from Darvir's mind, but it was an effort not to inflict him with more than just a simple ache for his little show of defiance. He still required Darvir to complete this mission, but something needed to be done with him after this was over. Darvir was starting to become a bother and not worth the effort to control. It might just be time to get rid of him. Permanently.

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